18 hours and many miles... Catania, via Vienna. We survived the trip, although I have to say that the international airlines put the american airlines to shame. I mean wine with every meal - free - even breakfast. Now that's civilized!
It didn't really sink in right away that we were here. Didn't get that feeling of "Were not in Kansas anymore, Toto". Until... we found our first Gelateria. Una pallina of Bacio and we were in Italy! The Great Gelato Experiment has begun. Started with my favorite. The presentation was incredible, like works of art. .jpg)
Wandering around and getting our bearings, visited a market for some fruit, got caught in a rain storm and had to seek shelter in a Trattoria (a couple of Moretti Beers and we did not mind being all wet.) Also, Day 1 and Ted has called in his first Gatto (cat), it's a gift.
Off to find as many wine bars as we can between the internet cafe and our hotel as we can.
Very Cool!!! Keep thsoe posts comming. Richard
Glad you made it safe and sound. Anyone want to wager how many Gatto's Ted will call during the trip? One a day perhaps? Miss you already. Love a both! Big Zilla, SS#1 aka Mb
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